motor trade towbar Fitting
Motor Trade Tow Bar Fitting
Offering your customer the option of having a tow bar fitted to their prospective vehicle can be a real sales swinger.
Often customers who need a tow bar on their vehicle pause before they commit to the sale because they need to check if a tow bar is available for the vehicle and to check the cost.
Offering to get one fitted for them can be a real sales clincher. Don’t miss out on a sale just because the customer needs a tow bar fitting.
We only fit approved tow bars and wiring. This isn’t the cheapest option BUT it is the most reliable. Meaning that customers will not be coming back to you due to faults with theor tow bar. (Oh, PLUS we GUARANTEE every fitting for TWO years, on top of the manufacturer guarantee.)
All of our motor trade tow bar fittings include type-approved tow bars and dedicated vehicle-specific electrics as standard. (Complying with the vehicle manufacturer’s conditions of the guarantee.)
Vehicle coding (where required and available) is included in the price.
We can fit tow bars at your premises or at your customer’s address, whichever suits you or your customer best.
We’re a VAT-registered company, so claiming the VAT back through your business really reduces the price for your customer.
Industry approved, VAT registered, fully insured, and professional throughout.
For a quote, call us on 0114 360 7080 or email

Ultimate Towbars are an approved towbar supply and fitting company based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
They offer mobile tow bar fitting at your home or work address. Covering a large area of the UK, from Nottinghamshire to North Yorkshire, Lincolnshire to Chester.
Highly experienced, they have great contacts within the industry and are able to source tow bars from all of the UK and European manufacturers.
If you need a motor trade tow bar then get in touch today…