It’s cold and snowy as I write this, winter has certainly arrived. The Covid pandemic is getting worse, no surprise there, and it’s only a few days until January the 1st 2021. The previous year has certainly been hard for many people, lockdowns, furlough,Covid and travel restrictions will be the main meory for many people. So, here’s hoping that 2021 will bring us some freedom and the opportunity to get back to some form of normal life. What will happen during 2021 in the tow bar industry?

For a start, there will be price increases across the entire industry. This is due to changes in imports from Europe due to Brexit. Although companies such as Tow-Trust manufacture tow bars in the UK, all of tow bar electrics are manufactured by European companies. Erich Jaeger is based in Germany. ConWyAG in Switzerland and ECS is based in Holland.

2021 will also see an increase in the number of Electric and Hybrids vehicles that are on the road. If you’re thinking of upgrading your tow vehicle to one of these then please check that a tow bar is available for the vehicle before parting with your hard earned cash. Although we can get towbars for 90 percent of vehicles if the tow bar hasn’t been designed, hasn’t got type approval, or hasn’t been made, then unfortunately you may have issues if you’re planning on towing. We’ve also found that quite a few electric vehicles are not designed for towing and have zero or very low towing weight. Check with a tow bar supplier before you buy is our best idea. More reading on this subject can be found here

The new year will also see more vehicles that need vehicle specific tow bar wiring. Luckily the old bypass wiring that clips to your rear light’s wiring will be on the way out as more vehicles will have advanced towing features that require dedicated electrics to enable them. Fitting the old universal wiring to these vehicles will bypass the cars Canbus wiring and safety features, making the vehicle dangerous when towing.

At Ultimate Towbars we’re looking forwards to a year of expansion and hopefully some warmer weather. We’re currently looking at our suppliers and hopefully, if the price is right, bringing a few more onboard. Our current suppliers include Tow-Trust, PCTAutomotive, Aragon, Umbra Remorchi, Bring, Witter, Westfalia, Watling, ECS, and a few more. We import into the UK and have the availability to export to any country around the world.

The previous year has mainly been about the Coronavirus pandemic. So, we’re hoping that 2021 will see an end to the virus and an end to the restrictions. I know many caravaners will be happy when they can get away for a few days of normality.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our customers a happy and safe New Year. If you aren’t one of our customers yet, then what are you waiting for 🙂

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone.